Natalie A. Spooner

Natalie A. Spooner

Assistant Director of Admissions


Having eloped in Myrtle Beach and vacationed in SC a least a dozen times,  my husband and I said we would one day move to South Carolina. We landed here on February 28, 2020.  While the timing of our arrival was not ideal, we love our decision to make this our permanent home. I was born and raised in VERY northern New York State in the region called the Thousand Islands. If you wondering ....yes, the birthplace of Thousand Island dressing. 

My first adult career was a NYS Licensed Optician and Contact Practitioner. Next I moved into higher education. My 30 years of experience includes teaching, academic advisor, orientation coordinator, enrollment management, registrar and higher education tech sales. 

Awards & Accomplishments

  • 2012 Recipient of State University of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service

What advice do you have for prospective students?

My advice for prospective students is to start planning early. Do lots of research about the college and the programs you are interested in. Please visit campus and determine if the campus culture fits your needs. Read all the communications thoroughly and ask questions. 

What do you do in your spare time?

In my spare time, I like to explore the countryside of South Carolina. It's enjoyable to find small towns and explore what makes them special. Also, my husband and I are frequent caregivers to our daughters' puppies. They are great fun but totally exhausting. 

What did you enjoy most about being a college student?

What I enjoyed most about being a college student was making friends, campus life, academics, and freedom. I loved it so much that I have been in a higher education career for 30 years.